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Links to tutorials, code snippets and playgrounds
All links open a new window
- Wikipedia | HTML
- Wikipedia | Semantic HTML
- MDN Web Docs | Semantics in HTML
- W3 Schools | HTML element reference
- HTML Online Tools & Resources - brilliant resource for HTML.
- Web Code Generator - generates HTML5, CSS, and meta tags.
- W3 Schools | CSS reference - complete CSS reference with examples
- CSS Tricks - all about building websites.
- CSS Portal - code generators, tools, and resources.
- CSS Online Tools & Resources - generators, online code editors, extensive code snippets.
- CSS3 Generator - for some of the more complicated bits of css.
- Interneting Is Hard - web development tutorials for complete beginners.
Tutorials, Online Editors & Useful Resources
- Osano - help your website comply with all data privacy laws.
- W3 Schools - tutorials, examples, references, exercises for HTML, CSS, Javascript and more.
- MDN Web Docs - for all web developers.
- Entireweb Free Search Engine Submission - Submit your site to all the top search engines and let people know you exist. Just enter your site URL and click Submit. It does it all for you.
- Codepen - build it and test it using their online editors. Plenty of free examples to use.
- W3 Schools Colour Picker - invaluable resource for generating colour names and codes.
- Real Favicon Generator - Generate your own little icon to show in web browser tabs, on smart phones and on tablets. They even give you the code you need.
- Google Fonts - An endless selection of fonts to either download and use in your website or just link to if you don't want to stuff up your hard drive.
- Text Fancy - emojis, fonts, symbols and more.
- Lorem Ipsum Generator - for placeholder text that doesn't distract when planning layouts etc.
- Picsum Photos The Lorem Ipsum of photos you can use free as placeholders, or just because they look nice.
- placekitten - pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code (really!).